SEO / GBP / Leads

It's really...
all about more customers

Remember 1998?

Google became a thing, after more humble beginnings in 1996 as "Backrub". You might enjoy knowing that the original name came from it's analysis of web back links.

(source: Stanford.Edu)

Today's consumers expect instant results  with only one click and 87.12% of searches use Google. (Statcounter)

Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business) is arguably the core of the algorithm  that returns your website ahead of your competitor's.

Without sales, your business cannot grow. Without a lead, a sale cannot be closed. Of course, LEADS are the the desired result of any website creator. It follows, then, that a lack of the desired number of leads would quite possibly indicate room for improvement in your SEO, Website Optimization,  or GBP. We would love to provide a complimentary website audit to determine your need, if any.  Call us today.


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